Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Love.. Can Hurt So Much ... Why Bother To Love?

Why drive a car if you can get in a car crash? Why walk on the street when you can get mugged? Why eat when you can choke? I think you get my point. Life is one big risk, as so is love. If you don't take the risk you'll never know. Taking that risk in return you can either be loved or heart broken. but I can guarantee you something- whether you are loved or heart broken, you will always gain something- wisdom and experience. you can learn from your heart aches to better your next relationship to make the love of your life. but if you never try at love because you are scared of being hurt, you'll never know if you could feel the best you have ever felt in your life. I think never trying at love is the biggest pain of all. you are depriving yourself of opportunity. besides, a lot of us wouldn't be here if everyone didn't love because it hurt too much. Life goes on, and love will conquer all.

Love has never been defined and never will be. We read novels about love without limitations, see movies about it on the big screen or TV, and that we can live happily ever after, but it's not real life. The fact of the matter is, our expectations are sometimes too high and the poor mate we choose can't humanly live up to what our expectations are. The word "grow up" is the key to this problem. All couples have disagreements, lose their temper every so often, feel like they want to quit in the relationship and move on. When we are young, love can be so magical or hurt to the very core of a person's being and they feel like their life is over. It is because of inexperience and, in youth one is learning. Every heartbreak or every slight from another person you love helps you to become stronger and is a learning path as to what you really do want in a lifelong partner. It 'preps' you for that one true love that I can promise you will meet in the future. It's a tough road sometimes, but we all have our disappointments and lost loves, but manage to live and forge on. When you truly find love, you never lose it. You will realize the guys or girls you 'thought' you loved really wasn't love at all. In one of his poems William Wordsworth:

Splendour in the Grass
What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back
the hour Of splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find Strength
in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.

The above poem expresses the thoughts through the eyes of youth into adulthood. The first part of the poem expresses how youth feels about love and the good and bad memories that have come from it, (of splendor in the grass ... means the romantism and experiences of exploring love and 'glory in the flower' means we are budding into full bloom through those experiences) but, they bring those experiences into adulthood and have to leave their youth behind ... memories and experiences are what is left from past youth, and beyond we gather faith and strength.
Don't be afraid of love and being hurt and embrace youth because it's gone in the blink of an eye!
You must have heard the famous quote: "It is better to have loved and lost love, than to have never loved at all."
Truer words have never been spoken. Love is a rarity, and when you find it in its most true form, you should cherish it. Although it hurts to have lost love, the pleasure of being in love outweighs the pain of losing it.