Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Its all about me....!!!

Teacher: Wat u wanna be when u grow up....???
Student: Doctor...
Teacher: Why?
Student: Because i want help others...i want to do something for society....for humanity...for world...and by this i want to make my parents proud...!!!!

Sounds great...isn't it...but is dat the real scenario...i dont think so...coz if it is the case...i mean where every one wants to do something for society...for humanity...for world...then there wouldnt have been any thing like...POVERTY...ILLITERACY...BEGGARS...and on top there wouldnt have been the need of HUMAN RIGHTS..and....NGOs

But these things do exist....!!!

I dont mean to say that there is not even a single person who think about society or others before himself....but how many such people walk on this earth today...

Every body in todayz world thinks about himself before he step down for anything....a student geting top rank in class ...a student coming late to class...a man wearing branded clothes...using hi-fi gadgets...why...its jus coz he wants to show the world that he do exist....

therz a "LOOK AT ME" attitude in every "ME" "U"... in "US"

and daz wat i want to tap through this blog....i want to share that how everybody irrespective of his designation...back ground...wants to BRAND himself..wants to POSITION himself....if not in others mind at least in his own EYE....


  1. Great beginning Vipul. As they say - 'A good beginning is half the job done'. Awaiting interesting posts with your insights.


  2. thanks KAILASH...hope i will stand upright on ur expectations....

    looking forward for ur support..

    cheers... :)

  3. usual great begining...guy!!
    i know ur posts will be quite an eyeopener and interesting ...!!
    way to go

    all the best

  4. thanx a load ANU...hope i will get the full supports from u guyz... :)
