Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Proud to be an...EGOMANIAC...!!!

When you hear the word “ego” you automatically get this sensation and tingling feeling down your spine that it’s negative. You may get defensive if someone calls you an egoistic or says you have a big ego. In our culture there is a negative feeling around this single term. It is associated with all things evil in this world. In this post, I will try to explain how EGO in personal branding can help you change your life for the better.
What is EGO???... “identity“, “pride“, “self-esteem“, “distinct” and “superiority” From analyzing and re-reading each word, my primary conclusion is that our ego is your external personal brand that is built internally. What I mean by this is that our ego is our facial expression and personality that is seen by others, but that is ignited from within. our ego is regulated by our internal passions and energy . so we have the gift and privilege to share that ego with another individual and be judged based on that experience or impression. When we were in school, there were always bullies that would demoralize us as if we were beneath them. People take advantage of others and when that individual doesn’t stand up for himself, he lose pride, self-esteem, and his ego takes a hit. An ego is a state of mind. An ego allows one individual to soar to the top of the ladder. An ego is our best friend and worst enemy. We can use it for good or evil. An ego grants purpose, attitude, values, pride and an identity. Since what we do makes us who we are and how we project that to others makes us memorable, our ego is that projection.
One of my biggest learning’s is that if we understand what an ego is? That everyone has one and that we can play to it, we can be extremely successful. People LOVE seeing their face on a magazine, blog, on national television, in a book or heard on the radio. They also enjoy compliments and careful attention paid to their hard work. By feeding this ego wholeheartedly and without asking for something in return, you will get twice as much back and have a strong relationship with that person.
An ego is an opportunity that costs you nothing these days. By interviewing or writing about another individual on the web, the probability that they will reciprocate is quite high (if not now, at a later date). It costs you nothing to promote someone else, their product or even link to their website. The bigger idea behind this is giving before receiving, but servicing an ego is the greatest and cheapest way to accomplish this. But who cares....its all about good business...nothing personal...!!!

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