Saturday, June 6, 2009

SELF BRANDING…in exam hall…!!!

Last one week I was busy in giving my term end papers…papers were ok…but today m going to discuss something strange wat I generally see in an exam hall….the attitude of students…behavior of students…wat exactly they want to portray…!!!
M going to discuss the scene of a national level exam centre (remember the scene in entrance exam hall and centre is very different from Ur regular class test and university exam scenario. Where in college test u knows all of Ur class mates, but in the case of a national level exam u rarely get to see a familiar face).
When I reached the exam centre I was not carrying any books or notes but a packet of BINGO and water bottle. I saw a different set of students there and daz wat I wanna discuss today..
I saw a girl sitting with parents and grandparents…I was surprised to see dat waz d need of whole family but then I realized, actually all of them were trying to help her in studies…HOW??...let’s see…they were total 5 people…the girl…papa…mummy…dada ji..And I think dadi ji…girl had a book of physics I suppose…mom were trying to show her a biology were reminding her about some chemical formula of an element…dada ji had a transparent bottle with color full liquid I think it was some health drink..may be…dadi ji was sitting their in tensed mood and every second minute she was murmuring something…trust me…I wanted to laugh…these people were behaving as if she is going on some war…my god…!!!
LOOK AT ME…the fashion freaks:
Suddenly I heard giggling noises..i was curious to see how can someone be in so much happy mood for a MEDICAL ENTRANCE EXAM . I turned my head and saw a bunch of well trimmed, thin, tall, sexy looking girls with goggles…they seems to be coming right from the beauty parlor. And trust me these were the ones whom I saw with a hell of tensed face when they got the main question paper…giving reaction as if their paper is written in Chinese or Greek.
Ha ha..
Any ways…after few minutes they announced that the sitting arrangement sheet is put on the notice board and all the candidates are requested to check dat out…so even I went and checked out mine. But as usual few roll numbers were missing and few had their own doubts so there was a rush on the reception counter. Suddenly a boy who appears to be very relaxed but in hurry manage to make his way to reception and asked in a cool voice…. “excuse me miss…BATHROOM KAHA HAI…” oh my god the faces of all those around him was half opened…can u believe everybody there is in tensed mood and asking something or the other regarding their wards number and somebody comes and ask the way of bathroom….amazing..!!!
Finally I reached in my exam hall…just to find that even here few students are behaving in a typical manner. Some had a self made notes…few were browsing quickly to the printed notes….few had a color full book with all those pics which I wonder whether the MBBS first year students had a glimpse. These are the students who think dat in this last five minutes they can do WONDERS…!!!
COOL GUYZ…the killers:
After few moments invigilator entered in the exam hall and after giving the basic instructions he distributed the papers and was about to ask us to start…here comes a boy…skin tight T-shirt which was still appearing a baggy one for him..with a torn and faded jeans, hanging I – pod ear phones round his neck…chewing some gum.. and asks.. “ sorry boss I know m late by 3 minutes…still could u allow me to write the exam”…strange…trust me I have never came across anybody asking permission in this manner to enter the class.
Any wayz as he managed to come within 15 minutes of the start of paper so he was allowed to come. He had only 1 pencil and an eraser in his hand and greating every one with a smile as if he knows us from years together.
He started answering the paper but even here he was in his own world…he kept tapping his pencil on the bench distracting others…the invigilator was forced to go to him and ask to stop dat…he again smiled and said…ooppss sorry boss…
And to my surprise he was done wid his paper 45 minutes before the actual time allotted to finish..!!!
So similarly there were different students showing different attitude and behavior…some were real some were fake…but one thing is sure….every body wants to give a feel to others…m different…I know better than u…and m gonna make it through…isn’t it…
SELF BRANDING…in exam hall…!!!

1 comment:

  1. A merger of 'I don't care' and 'cool' will sort of define me. A message to 'The bookworms', don't lower the value of your life. It doesn't depends on this test. It's you who'll decide it!
